• Continued Long-Term Support (LTS) from Magento 1
  • Security patches
  • Performance optimizations

Stable and secure e-commerce platform

Install OpenMage LTS and safely continue your e-commerce journey.

Easy Migration

With a sole focus on improving security, stability, and performance, migrating from an existing Magento 1 installation is easy!

Install OpenMage LTS Now!

With composer, OpenMage installation is fast and easy!

OpenMage Partners

OpenMage is built and maintained by many passionate individuals. But OpenMage would not exist without our strategic partners.

Stay on Magento 1

OpenMage LTS allows Magento 1.x EOL merchants to continue running a secure, stable Magento-based platform while remaining PCI compliant.

OpenMage LTS for store owners

Сonsider updating your store to the newest branch and ask your developer to dig into our GitHub now. OpenMage will keep updating Magento Community regularly and fix any critical vulnerabilities found.

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OpenMage LTS for developers

We integrate improvements directly from the community, meaning that if you have fixed any bugs or have improvements ready - submit a pull request. After a review, your PR will be used to keep Magento CE alive in the new version.

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100 000
online active Magento installation

OpenMage LTS is designed to benefit Magento community by offering stable platform after EOL* to continue at least 5 years ahead.

Merged Pull Requests
Code Contributors
Direct Forks on Github
Stars on Github
Open-source based on Magento CE with the fork at GitHub where you can check every piece of code
Community driven every update and a new version has been developed by the professional who worked with Magento 1 for years
Free of charges no hidden fees, no subscriptions, the sole aim is to support and drive Magento 1 forward
Security patches every release will support the latest vulnerability fixes and stay PCI compliant
* find out more about EOL

Become a contributor

Look behind the scenes, add your brick in to stable e-commerce platform.

Meet our Mantainers
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in OpenMage and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone.
David Robinson
Fabrizio Balliano
Lee Saferite
Lake City, FL, US
Mohamed Elidrissi
Ng Kiat Siong
Kuala Lumpur
Sven Reichel
Tymoteusz Motylewski
Over 150 Contributors
We strongly encourage participation from the community! If you have a bug fix, improvement or new feature that you think belongs in the Magento core code, submit a pull request and we will discuss it with you, review the code and help you make it happen!
Get Involved
Participate in Code Reviews of Pull Requests
Provide Bug Reports and Bug Fixes
Tag your compatible Modules
Yes! You can help, because there is a lot to do. Best way is...
It's likely that you've invested more time and money into your Magento-based eCommerce platform than you even want to think about. With your help, we'd like to make sure that investment continues to pay it's dividends.